Currently, Forma's approval Plug-in caters to a 2-level approval process. You can read more on how to use the Approval plug-in, customise approval emails and review approval requests here.


In this example, we're including 3 approvers in this process.



1. Connect x2 Approval plugins consecutively

Select 2 Approval plug-ins and connect them. Below, we've named the 1st Approval plug-in as "Approvers 1 & 2", and the 2nd Approval plug-in as "Approver 3" for clarity.

For Approval plug-ins, the right purple connector represents approved; the left purple connector represents rejected.


You should connect "Approvers 1 & 2"'s right purple connector to "Approver 3". This is because the 3rd approver should only be notified for approval review if the first 2 approvers have approved the request. If the first 2 approvers rejected the request, the 3rd approver will not be notified.



2. Edit first Approval plugin: Disable Successful Email

Double-click on the first Approval Plug-in. Then, you should disable the Successful Email as shown:

The rationale for this is because even if the first 2 approvers accept the request, we don't want the Successful Email to be sent to the requester. The Successful Email should only be sent out after the 3rd approver has reviewed and approved the request.


On the other hand, the Rejection Email can remain enabled. That way, if the 1st or 2nd approver reject the request, the requester will be notified immediately.


You should also indicate the approvers' names, as well as the email contents according to these guidelines.



3. Edit second Approval plugin

Double-click on the second Approval plug-in.


In this example, since we only need 3 approvers, we'll proceed to disable the 2nd Approver email as follows. The rest of the emails should remain enabled.

You should also indicate the approvers' names, as well as the email contents according to these guidelines.